Monday, March 7, 2011

Lots of things on the mind...

Reid, Colton and I had a wonderful weekend! Friday, Reid went and got his hair cut and then ran home so that I could get to my appointment. I got a full head of highlights and a eye brow wax (1st time). Saturday, we went to breakfast with some of Reid's old friends. Then we ran home and got our foreign exchange student's boxes sent of via USPS. I worked on homework and tests for my math class and then we went to the Science center with some of Reid's work friends. We saw a very interesting exhibit called Body Worlds & The Brain. (Sorry, we couldn't take pictures)


We then went home cause we promised to take Misato out to dinner as a going away dinner. We took her to all you can eat Chinese, Japanese & American food.  She will be greatly missed! Can you believe she has been here since October?! 

Sunday we got up and went to church. Colton sure does LOVE nursery! Reid taught the 12 yr old boys and I had a visiting teaching conference 3rd hour. We came home and ate left overs for lunch before Reid had to run off to church again for a meeting. Later on after Colton's nap the home teachers came and brought a wonderful message and sweet spirit with them. We are so lucky to have devoted home teachers. After that we had home made bread sandwiches for dinner.... soooo delicious.Later on we went to Bill & Ravaes to say hello for a little while as we feel like we haven't seen them in ages! It was nice to visit and Colton got to play with his little cousin Emmin (Karl & Rachel's son). I made some good peanut butter cookies while we visited and then we headed home and went to bed. 
All in all I would say it was a wonderful weekend!

Colton found my winter hat and loves wearing it!
Colton got a haircut too!
New Highlights and brow wax! Only 9 more weeks to go in pregnancy.

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