Thursday, January 13, 2011

And there were more...

Our family has a new addition as of a two days ago. We have a 2nd student living with us. She will only be with us for a month and a week. Colton has been moved to the office and we have all 4 bedrooms full! The poor thing came the same day Colton got ANOTHER cold. The poor boy has been suffering from a could for 3 days now and is doing better but the first couple nights for our student had to have been the most rough as Colton woke up many times all night long. Last night was his 1st night in a couple nights that he was able to sleep through the night and he slept from 8pm- 11am this morning! I'm so glad he was able to get some good rest.

Today I got up feeling very sick (head cold), Reid says he has a cold coming on as well. So I got up ate breakfast and cleaned and disinfected every surface possible! Haha. Colton woke when I was mopping the floors so I put him in his high chair to eat some breakfast. Mandarin Oranges, HE LOVES mandarin orange, he ate an entire can by himself for breakfast this morning with some milk to wash it down. He is such a cutie pie even when he has snot rolling down his face! I love my little bubba!

Reid as always is slammed with work and side work. He starts teaching again at ASU next week, add that to having to go to scouts we wont see him much.

I'm 23 weeks pregnant and a few days, I'm due on Mothers day this year (May 8th 2011). I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. I still need to schedule a sonogram appointment to see our little cutie pie and to know what its going to be... boy or girl. I honestly don't care what it is as long as its healthy and smart like Colton. :)  Reid want's a little girl soooo bad! He talks to my belly as if its a little girl and he talks to the belly and says "you have to cuddle with us because Colton won't).

I have been watching my nephew Emmin Johnson (Karl & Rachel's son) while his parents are working. It has been good for Colton as it has taught him how to share and how you can not hit other kids. I'm hoping this has been a great learning experience for Colton so that he isn't so rough with the new little one.

1 comment:

Counting Sheep said...

Tell Reid he doesn't need a girl to get a cuddler. Darren, Kira and Connor were all big cuddlers. Kira kind of quit at about two. Darren and Connor stayed pretty cuddly clear until five. Actually, Connor will still tolerate a hug and a pat. Alan definitely not. Tanner, only while he was a baby. It's personality not gender!